Download Nortec Go

Download the app "Nortec Go" in the App store or on Google Play


Create user

When you've downloaded the app, press create user


Join a team

Under the section "Chargers" press "Teams" and then "Join a team". Here you should enter a Join-code, which is provided to you by your association or housing company.


Choose payment method

Choose if you would like to pay by card, Mobilepay etc.

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Why should I join a team?

When you use a charging point, it can be public, semi-public, or private. Your association or housing company has decided whether it should be accessible to everyone or restricted to residents.

When a charging point is semi-public or private, you as a user need to join the team created for that specific charging point. You need to do this to be allowed to use the plug, ensuring that the charging point is only used by those who have been granted access.

The join code you need can be found in the user guide provided by your association or housing company.

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